Tuesday, December 30, 2008

A platonic May-June romance (May 1981 - June 1959, that is)

I have developed a gargantuan crush on Hugh Laurie a.k.a. House en House, M.D.

He's a cynical SOB but he's funny, sarcastic and irreverent, and oh, those eyes. And he's even more adorable "in real life", because (a) he's very funny, (b) he has a British accent to die for, and (c) oh, those eyes!!!

[Hugh Laurie photograph by Justin Stephens]

Buscando una foto para poner aqui (por si alguien osa no saber quien es), encontre un articulo en Entertainment Weekly con este parrafo: "MUSTWORTHINESS ~ As the acerbic, permanently disgruntled, and emotionally/physically damaged Dr. Gregory House on the Fox medical drama House, the British actor is the thinking woman's sex symbol. Even the limp is hot."

Funny... and true... ; ) hehehe

El asunto con House es que la serie no me enloquece, pero el personaje me encanta. Eso de darle treinta tratamientos a una persona en lo que se averigua el expediente, como que no me cuadra; sin embargo, I love watching House making people go out of their minds. =)

Si nunca la han visto, denle una checadita un dia de estos.

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